Monday, December 29, 2008
Holiday Movie Madness
- Role Models - More Apatow, Stifler being Stifler, Paul Rudd goodness, overall OK, about 5 Goobers.
- Ben Button - Pretty good, very long, touches on life and death very "frankly", I was pleased with the outcome...7 Goobers
- Valkyrie - Labeled as a "thriller", however it is hard to maintain a tense atmosphere when the viewer is aware of the outcome, I had a bit of a pity feeling of pressure for Tom "central tooth" Cruise...also can we see something OTHER than a WWII war movie? Please? 6 Goobers
- The Strangers...really creepy at moments, overall fails just as every other horror flick does, Liv Tyler is terrible
- Summer Heights High - GENIUS! Chris Lilley has studied at the Gervais School of Comedy
- Some Curb - Love Larry David
- HBO's 4-part series, 'House of Saddam', pretty interesting, pretty awesome, worth the four hours
If I had to recommend just one thing from the would be Summer Heights High. I need to get HBO.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
DVD Review: The Dark Knight (not Blu-Ray)

This blog was not operational during the premiere of "The Dark Knight." If it was, I would definitely have posted about it. Either way, as I drunkenly watch the DVD, I decided to do my first DVD review.
This movie was boss. As a follow-up to "Batman Begins," the sequel does everything it needs to. First, it is much bigger. Shot in IMAX, more action, clearer fight scenes, bigger villans. Second, the dramatic foil does an OUTSTANDING job, I know that it is the politically correct thing to pull for Heath Ledger for the supporting actor, but I have to.
Heath Ledger was perfect. First of all, he did the Joker his own way, he did not reprise Jack Nicholson's role, he did not copy anything from the comics. Ledger was able to channel the feelings/actions of the Joker. It is uncanny. After watching the movie with a roommate, he stated it perfectly, he does not see Heath Ledger in the role. He did not SEE Ledger, he did not HEAR Ledger. After watching Ledger in "Brokeback Mountain," he made a complete departure to become an insane clown. There is no way I can express my love for this character. I loved what Nicholson did for the Joker, but Ledger captured the character in a current mold. He is a terrorist, psychocatic and a bit of an addict (notice how often he licks his lips).
There were a lot of complaints of Christian Bale's acting. First of all, that is going to happen after seeing how well Ledger portrayed the villan. Also, Bale has nothing to prove after excelling in the original. The director, Christopher Nolan, had the foresight to cast Bale. He saw that Bale could 'fake' the wealthy executive in "American Psycho", Bale portrayal of Bruce Wayne brings a smile to the viewer's face. His Batman voice is a bit comical, but this is a movie based on a comic, lay off.
One of my criticisms of the movie is the way that Nolan rushed Aaron Eckhardt's role. He develops his character in the correct way, but unleashes him too early. Also, the fight scenes are a bit slower, I was one of the few fans that enjoyed the rushed fight scenes. It left an air of mystery. Nolan undoubtedly caved into critics with this display.
The story is just as strong as the first. I also pray that they continue the franchise. It is a bit depressing that Bale will no longer be able to battle Ledger in the future.
As a DVD, the movie really let me down. There is no director's commentary, no deleted scenes. Just some crap on the "Gotham News Network". Pretty shitty stuff. I think they pulled out all the stops for the Blu-Ray verison. Which is just another reason thrown on the giant pile for why I need a new DVD player. If you would like to donate to my cause....please leave a comment. Thanks!
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008
Shame and Condemnation

Ed Norton consoles Colin Farrell as he comes to the realization that he is a terrible actor that has gotten by on looks and an irish accent for too long. Unfortunately, no one was there to console Ed Norton for doing this awful movie...hopefully he does not get angry, you would like him when he's angry
However, I can't start with this review. Pride & Glory sucked. Ed Norton, what are you doing? This is not your movie, this should have gone to someone like Mark Wahlberg or Paul Walker right after finishing Fast and Furious. First, the Incredible Hulk (I have not yet seen) and now this? Come on man, get back in the game.
Colin, Colin, Colin...I keep pulling for you man and you keep letting me down. You are like that friend who is great to be around, great to party but don't leave him in the room with your girlfriend or expect him to come over on a Saturday afternoon to help you move. Won't happen, but you will let it slide because he is so much fun to be around that Saturday night. What's the deal?
Ok, so In Bruges was really good. Not great, but really good. For you Colin, that means it was F'n FANTASTIC. I need you to pick scripts like that. Not scripts that have you get the wrinkles out of new born babies (if you have seen this movie you know what I mean).
Do not see this movie. It is everything that is wrong with a cop drama, I could gather a class of 4th graders to write a better, more realistic plot.
Hopefully these people are not paid to do this. This critic cited the "gritty realism" that made this movie a "B" in her mind. Yeah, I guess it was gritty realism, if you replace "gritty" with "terrible" and "realism" with "blatant out-dated stereotypes". Then that would work.
My favorite scene was the climatic bare-knuckle brawl between two Irish NYPD in an American "Irish" pub. Cue the Riverdance music!
This movie gets ONE GOOBER. Do not see this movie. Only if it is on FX in seven years and it is a Wednesday afternoon and raining outside.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Things do not look good. But, there are a few small benefits. For one, OIL found out that people can take the bus. Not good for Daniel-Day Lewis, he is pissed. So are these guys.

OPEC is definitely not happy with the drop in global demand for oil. They convened today for an emergency meeting. There plan is to cut production.
"The decision was straightforward," Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi said after the meeting.
"OPEC will do whatever is necessary to balance oil markets."
This is what they said. They need to balance the oil market. I have to admit, they did a great job of balancing the markets over the past year, when it came close to $150 a barrel in the middle of the 2008 summer. I am really glad they were looking out everyone. But now they want to manipulate the price to have it go back up. This is a real dick move. Lower oil/gas prices help consumer purchasing power, which is an essential correction for a recession. OPEC does not care about a global recession. This is what is wrong.
The fact is OPEC is a cartel, that acts like a cartel. There really is no surprise there.
Just as the lower price of oil is a silver lining to the current economic clusterfuck, (I think we have moved past "crisis" at this point) the former high oil/gas prices did make Americans and the rest of the world finally wake up and realize that we need to stop filling our snowmobiles with jet-fuel in July. It also finally displayed the importance of alternative energies...both candidates are behind it now.
Hopefully this guy learned his lesson from prices in July.
Balance is the name of the game. Balance in the economy, among compaines, among countries and individuals. Not too little, but not too much. I believe that Americans may have learned a valuable lesson from the last few months, not to be so greedy. We need to pass this along to OPEC.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Listen to Matt Nathanson
For those of you who do not know him, Nathanson is a very talented singer/songwriter. As much as I like his music, his real forte comes in the form of live shows. Nathanson is hilarious, he frequently banters about sex, heavy metal and his favorite shows like Gossip Girl. Considering the amount of cursing and graphic imagery at past shows, I was curious to see how Nathanson would handle being in such a holy place. He did not fail me, as he arrived on stage he observed that we were in a "fuckin' synagogue". That was only the beginning.
Ok, I am not going to give a full re-cap of the night. Know this, Nathanson is talented, hilarious and in touch with his audience. He also keeps ticket prices low. He is currently on a Fall tour and could very well be on his way to your city.
I wholeheartedly endorse Matt Nathanson. I am not one to do this regularly, but I promise you will get your money's worth.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Miracle at St. Anna

Oh man, this movie sucked. This was obviously Spike's big-screen tribute to the NY Knicks. He really wanted to capture the "suck" aspect.
The story sucked. The cinematography sucked. The 160 minutes it took sucked. Complete waste of my time and anyone who is thinking of seeing it.
Spike needs to stay away from this genre. Spike also needs to take a dose of his own medicine. The stereotypes he creates in this awful movie are the same he complains about all the time. He also stepped on the toes of WWII Italian partisans.He also needs to get an actual screenwriter, not the egotistical author.
I am going to give it 1 Goober.
The 'miracle' was that I sat through the entire movie.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Burn After Reading

Clooney copied himself from Intolerable Cruelty...but since no one saw that movie it will seem like a fresh, unique character. Clooney wins again! Ah!
I love J.K. Simmons. He is hilarious.
Overall, you should see this movie. Why not? I will give it Six Goobers.
I would just like to point out that the Coens can do comedy better than most...and they can do drama better than anyone. They are a rare breed in Hollywood.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Fortunately, that didn't happen.
I forgot what my Goobers rating scale was, but I give this movie: 6.5 Goobers (out of ten)
The film is directed by Brad Anderson and stars Woodrow Harrelson, Emily Mortimer, Kate Mara and Sir Ben Kingsley. It also runs a little long at 111 minutes.
The movie is basically a murder mystery/suspense thriller. Similar to writer/director Anderson's previous full-length suspense flick El Maquinista (featuring Christian 'bag of bones' Bale). In 'Transsiberian', Anderson moves away from copying Alfred Hitchcock and places his own personal touch on this film. While Anderson has done other genres, such as comedy, this will likely be his forte with future projects.
The acting was solid. Woodrow plays the lovable/naive/idiot/religious/friendly husband role with a pathetic admiration for trains. Mortimer plays the 'wild child converted into boring wife because she was nervous of dying from overdose or some sexually transmitted disease.' Instead of building up this sorted past through subtle dialouge, Anderson throws it in the viewer's face with shots of a 'tramp stamp', defiant smoking and other blatant symbols that shouts out to the audience, "I used to be cool, until I met Woodrow." Mortimer also goes to GREAT LENGTHS to preserve a web of lies. Which makes me really hate her character.
Kate Mara provides for pleasant scenery, not much else...except for one alarming scene towards the end that reminds me of the deli at the Italian Store.
Ben Kingsley is great, he does not have the ability to be anything else.
The movie moves from the 'this could happen to you' genre to borderline preposterous, even for Vladimir Putin's Russia.
This movie will fly under the radar of most major cinemas. I definitely recommend seeing it, however you may want to wait for either a matinée or the DVD release.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A Very JERSEY Labor Day!

What can I say about New Jersey that hasn’t already been said about Hell? The drive up to NJ from Arlington is estimated on Google Maps to take about 3 hrs and 45 mins. My land speed record came about back in June when I made the trip in 3 hours flat. But, this is Labor Day Weekend! Which means anyone who has a car decides to place it on I-95.
The drive took over 4 and a half. Thanks in much part to State governments that have continued to use the same toll system that was in place when the concept of roads was first developed. The worst part of the trip came at the Delaware Memorial Bridge. After considering Delaware’s size and total insignificance, the government decided to create the country’s best bottleneck. How can Joe Biden be the Vice-President if that backyard of a state he represents cannot be traversed within 15 minutes? This may be the issue that decides the election for me.
We arrived Friday night and relaxed by watching Predator on cable. A little trivia here, Predator may be the only movie that features two former Governors (Arnold and “the Body”). If this anomaly has occurred before, then it is definitely the only Sci-Fi, Invisible, Thermal Seeing, Dreadlocked Alien flick that features two former Governors.
On Saturday, we had plans to drink and go to Atlantic City. The weather held up and it turned out to be a great day. The day consisted of: drinking, Scrabble, bacon cheeseburger, Battleship, cheating, contemplation of Beer Ball, drinking, napping, Atlantic City, Cash for Gold, Bally’s, Johnny Rocket’s, Beach Bar, Gambling, Lori wins more $, Jersey Rats, Drinking, Sleeping. All in all, a good day.
Sunday was beach day. On a related note, we found out that morning that the Ocean City beach was one of 7 lucky beaches that closed due to MEDICAL WASTE! In the world of NJ Beaches, this is a most prestigious honor. Tiny beaches on ponds in the middle of NJ dream of growing up one day to be covered in syringes, diapers, loud Jersey girls and Juice Heads.
The waste warning was dropped Sunday and we headed to the beach. We need to smuggle rum onto the beach because Ocean City is a dry town. While this seems crappy, it is actually a blessing in disguise. No alcohol = No Jersey Girls and Guidos…which makes for a great day at the beach. In Ocean City, people don’t have “blow-outs” or tribal tattoos. These people actually HAVE chest hair and sunglasses that block sunlight. Amazing. This dry town plays a major part in my positive experiences in New Jersey.
The water was a perfect temperature and the waves were big. With the exception of cringing each time something grazed my feet, the ocean was great. The way I see it, the medical waste just gives the NJ beaches character.
As much as I like to think of Jersey as the armpit of the East coast, I have to admit it holds a special, medically wasteful spot in my heart.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mount Vernon - Opponents Beware
Checked out George Washington's crib this past weekend with Lori, Jay and Nicole. The man on the dollar bill had a nice place. To give you an idea of Washington's accomplishments, please view the video here.
That video basically summarizes the lesser known backgrounds of our nation's first President.
Either way, Mt. Vernon is worth a look.
More pictures at Picasa
Friday, August 15, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Fool me once...
I try not to blog about politics, I have my views and I enjoy discussing them with family and select friends. I do not attempt to bring them to a larger audience simply because of my lack of knowledge/information/bias. I don't know all the facts, if I did, I would be much more outspoken.
But, this story is just another reason I get so pissed off with politicians.
In late summer of 2007, I picked up a copy of Esquire, very metro, to read while I languished in my little hell of airports. The cover story featured John Edwards, who at that point, was in the running for the Democratic nomination.
While I know for a fact that I would not vote for Edwards, the article definitely helped his cause. I came out of the article with an appreciation for the man that has since waned.
What really bothers me is the lying, not the cheating. Even though Clinton was a "mimbo," he was still a decent President, in my opinion. I am just tired of candidates taking a "holier than thou" stance, attempting to make us believe that they are pious and worthy.
Edwards blocked the release of this story for some time. In the public, he denied the claims to save face. How inflated are the egos of some politicians? Not only did this idiot have to worry about his wife finding out about this affair, but the entire nation as well.
I am just praying for some truth between Obama and McCain.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Live From Maine!

I finally hit 1000 views! I can't believe all three of you logged on to my site from that many different comps.
My sister and I hopped a quick 1-hour flight from Baltimore to Portland, ME. As usual, the airports were full of surly airline representatives and could not find a way to seat anyone. Once we arrived in Portland, we found the weather to be pleasant and cold.

We stopped for dinner at Moody's dinner, great place for onion rings and then I grabbed a twelve of the state's finest...Geary's Summer Ale.

I will post some images sooner or later. I am pretty sure there are some pirates (homeless people) on the small island across from our cottage. I will make sure to investigate.
Currently watching the of the female swimmers briefly lived in Webster (but had the good sense to leave), she is swimming in the relay with that 50 year old swim mom.
Ok, more from VacationLand later.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Big Weekend

First of all, Jason Simoni is IN TOWN for good! Which means we have 66.67% of the Simoni Clan within a 5 mile radius. Now we just have to wait for Dave to fail out of law school and become a janitor in the DC Metro area. I will quit my job and join you in the custodial arts when you arrive, big guy!
Next on the agenda, I turn the big TWO FOUR. Which, by some estimates, puts me at 1/3 of the way through my life (what a waste so far). Either way, this marks my first birthday in DC and it falls upon a good weekend.
I am not much for planning but I will have a couple b-day demands:
- I must drink at Brickskeller's at some point this weekend. Must be done.
- I need to have a Delirium Tremens at RFD at some point.
- I must share a drink with all of my friends on Saturday.
- I need to sleep.
- I need to bbq.
Another thing, I am going to check out Coldplay at Verizon Center on Sunday. Unfortunately, We We Pirates will not be opening...but it still should be a good time. I will have to hit RFD prior to the show.
It has been a good 24 years in my mind. I feel lucky to spend this weekend with my sister, Lori, my roommates and some Simonis. I can't think of a better birthday.
Can't wait for Brickskeller.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Travel Tips - Help!
To drive up the interactive nature of this blog, I am calling on all my viewers, (that's right all THREE of you) to add comments on travel.
I am looking to travel to the United Kingdom in early November '08. This will be my first big trip that I have planned on my own. I am wondering where are the best tickets? When to buy? Flight information, etc.
I also would like to hear about your experiences in traveling to the U.K. Where to go, what to eat, what to drink, how to avoid being robbed and murdered. So, please, indulge me with your comments! Thanks!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Pick Dave's Place comes to an end!
More pictures will follow. The place has been outfitted with a combination of Craigslist, IKEA, borrowed and other sources of furniture. All four roommates are settled in. I have escaped yet another Slum Lord in exchange for our fantastic land lady Doreen.
PROS: Spacious, too much storage, yard, patio, porch, big rooms, big kitchen, long driveway, street parking, good land lady, good roommates, good location, quiet neighborhood, still close to the Metro (even though I am extremely lazy and will never walk there)
CONS: The house was built well before the Polio vaccine, which means A LOT of creaks. Also, I have a tiny John Malkovich crawl space in my room, the door is always open in the morning, which leads me to believe there is some small mythical creature living (perhaps a gnome?) in my crawl space.
'actual' FINAL THOUGHT: Aside from the house being built before the invention of the helicopter and the Slinky, it is far and away the best place I have lived on my own. I am looking forward to a great year in the pre-WWII lodging.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Chuck Could Do This...

I have all the faith in the world that Chuck could do the same. Only, I suspect he would adopt the "every bunny for himself" mindset and leave me in the house.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
VOTE Arrrgh!
Vote for my friend's band We Were Pirates...FOUND HERE. They are the sixth video down on the list. You will recognize them because you will see a bunch of "City Paper" banners and also have your face melted. They are finalists with a chance to open for Coldplay at the Verizon Center in D.C. on August 3.
So vote for "We Were Pirates" whether you love Coldplay or just want to see Gabe Fry kick Chris Martin in the "goods". If Gabe kicks hard enough, he could potentially end the grocery-list legacy of the Martin family.
Update on the housing situation is a-comin'!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I was going to rant about my ordeal at the US Post Office. The 2nd worst place in the world. Ahead of New Jersey rest stops, but just behind the Department of Motor Vehicles. Hell finished a distant 4th.
Anyway, this article in the title is FANTASTIC.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Louise Needs to Shut Up
Cross-overs generally turn out bad. Think athletes and musicians selling "fragrances", DMX starring in movies and Johnny Depp dabbling in small-business ownership (see: Viper Room). But, with all these double dips there are occasionally bright spots...such as George Foreman and his delicious grill.
That being said, there is ONE instance of cross-overs that I will never accept: the Hollywood Actor/Politician. This multitasking role is the most egotistical, ignorant and biased of all (see Charlton Heston, any Baldwin, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, Chuck Norris, Ted Nugent).
Today's outburst (I won't even discuss Sharon "Dalai Lama BFF" Stone), came from the thoughtful, tactful, politically-enlightened Susan Sarandon. Ms. Sarandon is known for her artistic prowess in roles from major motion pictures such as Stepmom and Mr. Woodcock and also her "Best Actress" nominated role in The Witches of Eastwick by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films. To be fair, she actually won an Oscar for Dead Man Walking, but in '96 Elisabeth Shue should have received that little statue.
How did this aging actress come to be so politically aware? Ms. Sarandon attended school at The Catholic University of America, earning a BA in drama. Drama? But don't worry, I am sure she took a class freshman year in Politics and Public Policy.
Anyway, Ms. Sarandon decided to broadcast her opposition to the Republican nominee Senator McCain by threatening a move to either Canada or Italy. What? She would really deprive the American people of her presence if Senator McCain claims the victory?!? Nooooo! I don't think I could handle an America without her!
Sarandon has come out in staunch support of Barack Obama (on a side note, I like/may vote for Barack). Susan dropped this tiny knowledge bomb in the NY Post, "I thought the whole point of feminism is that you're not supposed to be defined by gender. I don't understand the reasoning behind that, because I wouldn't vote for Condoleezza Rice, and I hated Margaret Thatcher."
Why is America entitled to her opinion? Who really cares? I can understand that one die-hard Bull Durham fan registering to vote for Obama, but who else?
Not only should she keep her downplay her political fervor, but she needs to recognize how out of touch the complaint is. What average liberal could possibly pick up and move countries in opposition?
Along with the airlines and baby geniuses, celebrity Op-Eds are one of my biggest pet peeves. I believe everyone should take a stand on politics, but to make outrageous claims in the media just publicizes how ignorant some people can be.
I would like to see McCain win, if only to watch Susie-Q eat her words and continue living in America, making light-hearted family movies with Ellen Page and the girl from Little Miss Sunshine, as opposed to mining sand and gravel in the Yukon Territory.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Pick Dave's Place Vol. 2 - I NEED to live here
Check this place OUT!
Now, if we step it up to a four person rent, this place is amazing. It is not exactly on the Metro, but I have used my car/taken cabs so many times this year, I do not see the Metro as a giant benefit.
Location: Just west of the Ballston Neighborhood - Arlington
Pros: LARGE, screen patio, yard, garage, home theater system in basement, 4 bedrooms
Cons: Not close to Metro, older home, maybe haunted? wet bar!?!
Interesting Selling "Feature": 2 wood burning fireplaces!
Rent: $3550/mo.
(I am praying to God that the hamster cage upon the desk will be included in the rent!)
FINAL THOUGHT - The more the merrier! I have found some big ol' "single family homes" when I up the bedroom count. One of the most important features to me is SPACE...and this place has it.
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Have I mentioned my hostile feelings towards the airline industry? Well, my flight to Kansas City today, along with this little news nugget spurred me to write something. Today I flew out of National (Ron Reagan Airport - DCA), which I prefer to Dulles (IAD) for a number of reasons. DCA is much more convenient, smaller, located on public transportaiton and also closer to my home. Either way, I flew Midwest today at 7 am to Kansas City. The flight was average, and by average I mean that it created a one hour delay. Fortunately, the delay was due to weather and did not piss me off as much as the 2 times I was delayed to fix the toilet. Midwest offers nice leather chairs, smaller planes and pleasant attendants from the "Bread Basket" of America. Midwest is one of the few airlines that has stayed away from my black list.
Anyway, back to the story above. American just merged to the biggest airline in America, they now cite "rising fuel costs" for charging $15 dollars for the first checked bag. I prefer to travel and this cost does not concern me that much, but the fact that it is another issue added to the heap of problems this industry has prompted me to complain.
And now as I work from K.C. and watch CNN another fantastic story informed America that the Airline industry cost the American economy $41 BILLION, in 2007 alone. Here is the breakdown:
19 billion op. costs (maint. jet fuel, overtime)
- $1.5 billion went into wasted jet fuel due to delays...notice that America cited "increasing fuel costs as a reason to charge for luggage...give me a break...create a more efficient model
12 billion lost time by passenger
10 billion indirect (retail, hotels, etc)
20% of all travel time delayed
That final statistic made me reflect on all the delays I had in the past year, I think 20% may be alittle too conservative. What I can't stand is that the airlines have a captive market, people HAVE to fly. If I went to McDonald's and found glass in my $1 Double Cheesburger...I would start going to Wendy's (which I prefer anyway)...unfortunately they don't make trains that can cross the Atlantic, or commute coasts in 4 hours. The Airline Industry is taking advantage of the fact that people HAVE to fly in certain situations. There needs to be a change.
Black list:
United (esp. that "Ted" airline)
I assume all other airlines I have yet to fly
GOOD Airlines:
Virgin America - FANTASTIC - HIGHLY RECOMMEND on DC to LA flights
I have done my best to reduce the amount of flights I take and the amount of luggage I bring. I think I have done a good job, but like I said sometimes I HAVE to fly...and it sucks.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Pick Dave's Place Vol. 1 - Home Sweet Home?
So, it is that time of year, when I turn to craigslist and other website to begin the ol' apartment/house hunt. This year I am movin' on up, but prefer to remain in Arlington, VA. I am going to begin listing my "great finds" on this blog and allowing you all, when I say you all I mean Dan, to pick my residence. Starting with the place I found last week. Whoops! Already gone! Well, this will serve as an example of how I will display places:
Location: Ballston Neighborhood - Arlington
Pros: Close to metro, right next to Gold's Gym, new condo smell, etc.
Cons: Tinyish
Interesting Selling "Feature": Elegant Wooden Blinds...nice
Rent: $2295/mo
FINAL THOUGHT - This place would be perfect If I was closer to 4 feet tall. Then it would seem like a warehouse. Plus, it has been rented. Yeah.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

I'm going to have to go with 6 Goobers on this one. Only because this was the first movie I have seen in the theater in over 10 weeks, which means this snapped the dry spell.
Jason Segel wrote/starred in this movie that continues Judd Apatow's streak of 1000 movies in the past two years. I will comment further...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Google is outside!

This technology was created by using a globe-shaped cluster of cameras attached to an SUV. Basically, the SUV cruises through an entire city and the surrounding suburbs. Giving Peeping Tom something to do while surfing the internets. It is really amazing how Google is shrinking the planet. Check out this feature on Google Maps when you get a chance.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
“Saying ‘I’m sorry’ is the same as saying ‘I apologize.’ Except at a funeral.”
I have also spent the last couple months stimulating the economy. Between golf clubs, noise-canceling head phones, plane tickets, etc. I will not recognize this recession.
The title to this entry is from Demetri Martin. I just DVR'd his stand-up Person. Pretty funny. I definitely recommend taking a look.
I will try to keep up with this blog, if anyone is reading! If I have any visitors who are blog-savvy, I would love to hear some tips and advice about expanding my audience. Thanks!
One more thing, does anyone know a type of bird that chirps in the middle of the night? I have a family of birds right outside my apartment that appear to be a bunch of night owls, pardon the pun.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Read Ron Paul's economic policy.
Today is the Potomac Primary, which means Maryland, D.C & Virginia will be voting for the Democratic and Republican candidates. If you have yet to make up your mind or are apathetic...please Vote for Ron Paul or at least listen to what he has to say. Click on any of the links to this page or go to YouTube.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who wants to cut government spending, cut income taxes, increase YOUR personal liberty and is the Republican candidate that the troops donate MOST too. He wants out of Iraq and any other country we have no business being in. It is the first step to mending diplomatic ties with the rest of the world. Please look at his website!