Ed Norton consoles Colin Farrell as he comes to the realization that he is a terrible actor that has gotten by on looks and an irish accent for too long. Unfortunately, no one was there to console Ed Norton for doing this awful movie...hopefully he does not get angry, you would like him when he's angry
I don' think I can continue to blog about movies. Since I began, the majority of the movies I have seen have been crap. I feel like anyone (Dan) who reads this site will just think I hate movies. When in fact, I love movies. I really love movies.
However, I can't start with this review. Pride & Glory sucked. Ed Norton, what are you doing? This is not your movie, this should have gone to someone like Mark Wahlberg or Paul Walker right after finishing Fast and Furious. First, the Incredible Hulk (I have not yet seen) and now this? Come on man, get back in the game.
Colin, Colin, Colin...I keep pulling for you man and you keep letting me down. You are like that friend who is great to be around, great to party but don't leave him in the room with your girlfriend or expect him to come over on a Saturday afternoon to help you move. Won't happen, but you will let it slide because he is so much fun to be around that Saturday night. What's the deal?
Ok, so In Bruges was really good. Not great, but really good. For you Colin, that means it was F'n FANTASTIC. I need you to pick scripts like that. Not scripts that have you get the wrinkles out of new born babies (if you have seen this movie you know what I mean).
Do not see this movie. It is everything that is wrong with a cop drama, I could gather a class of 4th graders to write a better, more realistic plot.
Hopefully these people are not paid to do this. This critic cited the "gritty realism" that made this movie a "B" in her mind. Yeah, I guess it was gritty realism, if you replace "gritty" with "terrible" and "realism" with "blatant out-dated stereotypes". Then that would work.
My favorite scene was the climatic bare-knuckle brawl between two Irish NYPD in an American "Irish" pub. Cue the Riverdance music!
This movie gets ONE GOOBER. Do not see this movie. Only if it is on FX in seven years and it is a Wednesday afternoon and raining outside.
However, I can't start with this review. Pride & Glory sucked. Ed Norton, what are you doing? This is not your movie, this should have gone to someone like Mark Wahlberg or Paul Walker right after finishing Fast and Furious. First, the Incredible Hulk (I have not yet seen) and now this? Come on man, get back in the game.
Colin, Colin, Colin...I keep pulling for you man and you keep letting me down. You are like that friend who is great to be around, great to party but don't leave him in the room with your girlfriend or expect him to come over on a Saturday afternoon to help you move. Won't happen, but you will let it slide because he is so much fun to be around that Saturday night. What's the deal?
Ok, so In Bruges was really good. Not great, but really good. For you Colin, that means it was F'n FANTASTIC. I need you to pick scripts like that. Not scripts that have you get the wrinkles out of new born babies (if you have seen this movie you know what I mean).
Do not see this movie. It is everything that is wrong with a cop drama, I could gather a class of 4th graders to write a better, more realistic plot.
Hopefully these people are not paid to do this. This critic cited the "gritty realism" that made this movie a "B" in her mind. Yeah, I guess it was gritty realism, if you replace "gritty" with "terrible" and "realism" with "blatant out-dated stereotypes". Then that would work.
My favorite scene was the climatic bare-knuckle brawl between two Irish NYPD in an American "Irish" pub. Cue the Riverdance music!
This movie gets ONE GOOBER. Do not see this movie. Only if it is on FX in seven years and it is a Wednesday afternoon and raining outside.
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