Saturday, December 29, 2007


Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story stars John C. Reilly (oscar-nom for Chicago) and is directed by Jake Kasdan (Orange County - awesome!). The movie was also obviously written in crayon by Judd Apatow's kids.

I give this 2 Goobers (out of 10).

This movie was terrible. It reminded me of movies like "Not Another Teen Movie" & "Scary Movie 2". Judd Apatow's (40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Freaks & Geeks) golden touch may finally be gone. It reminded me of Talladega Nights...after Will Ferrell had come off a string of "Old School" & "Anchorman". This movie was just BAD. A handful of high school kids got up and walked out about an hour in and I regret not following suit.

One somewhat bright spot was the lead actor. John C. Reilly is a very talented actor and a decent singer as well. Unfortunately, he was stuck with a terrible script and a movie that dragged like a dead body. Walk Hard attempted to parody "Walk the Line" and also the general history of rock & roll, but where some parodies work...this one falls flat. The movie drags at the beginning and end, the middle is where Apatow could have been very creative...however he chose to rush through 30-odd years of history and not focus on any single part. Another puzzle piece this movie lacked was jokes, the comedy was so uninspired and dug for the lowest levels of humor. I hope Apatow can rebound from this.

Aside from the talented Reilly, the other bright spot in the movie was the all-star group that imitated the Beatles. Shown above, Jack Black was Paul, Paul Rudd was John, Justin Long played George and Jason Schwartzman played Ringo. Oh yeah, Jack White plays Elvis...awesome!

Furthermore, Jenna Fischer (the (American) Office, Blades of Glory) has now been a part of two horrible comedy "epics" that promised too much. She is not a talented comedian and not much of an actress either... she should have been replaced...her role as boring Pam is what she should stick to.

Anyway, I plan on never watching this movie again...not in the theater, on DVD, on cable or even on network television. If I can get through the rest of my life without catching 5 minutes of this movie I will be happy.

The movie did make me want to listen to George Harrison's All Things Must that's something.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Don't Be a Dick - Vol. 1

This is going to become an ongoing post of everday etiquette...

I just came back from lunch and held the door for a GOOD six seconds...dude just looks at me, like I SHOULD be holding the door. Instant regret on my part and this leads me to a new repeating column.

Volume 1 - Holding the Door

Don't be a dick...hold the door when someone is walking behind you. If you are the one walking through a simple "Thank You" is necessary.


-The door should be held for any distance under five seconds. Anything over is at the discretion of the holder. Any door held over five seconds definately deserves a hearty "Thanks."

-If the door is held in a distance under one and a half seconds, the "thank you" is not required, but always acceptable.

-The door should also be held more often in inclement weather (cold, snow, wind, rain, etc.).

-Allowing other people through and also allowing women, children, and old people earns bonus points

Flying Reminds Me of Another "F" Word

In the last year, I have taken trips (small and large) more often than I have in my entire life. Lucky for me the airline industry moves as smoothly as an anchor covered in sand paper. I can't stand flying anymore. It's not the actual flying, but all the things in between. This ranges from flight connections, dealing with any flight attendant, the wonderful food, watching "No Reservations" twice in four days, sitting in space that would be inhumane to death row inmates and of course the babies...everywhere!
So, with my flight I was delayed 2 hours in Chicago's O'hare airport. I am tired of hearing, "that's the way it is now." I don't buy that. The airlines, like everything else, is a product. If I kept getting hair in my Chicken Nuggets at Wendy's I would STOP going. The problem is there is no other form of transportation that compares and the US government is still feeding airlines like Delta and American subsidies. The money needs to be cut off, they need to struggle and make changes, that's what good businesses do. This will ultimately benefit the consumer and that is what is important. Just as important as those tiny little pretzels they hand out on a four hour flight.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More to come SOON!

Hey everybody... (Hose)! There will be more to come in the next week or so as I have some extra time from the X-Mas vacation...potential topics include...

1. My Boycott of the Airlines

2. Christmas in Kansas City

3. Delicious BBQ in K.C.

4. My trip to L.A. to see Lori and possible grad school options?

Stay tuned! I hit 100!