This is going to become an ongoing post of everday etiquette...
I just came back from lunch and held the door for a GOOD six seconds...dude just looks at me, like I SHOULD be holding the door. Instant regret on my part and this leads me to a new repeating column.
Volume 1 - Holding the Door
Don't be a dick...hold the door when someone is walking behind you. If you are the one walking through a simple "Thank You" is necessary.
-The door should be held for any distance under five seconds. Anything over is at the discretion of the holder. Any door held over five seconds definately deserves a hearty "Thanks."
-If the door is held in a distance under one and a half seconds, the "thank you" is not required, but always acceptable.
-The door should also be held more often in inclement weather (cold, snow, wind, rain, etc.).
-Allowing other people through and also allowing women, children, and old people earns bonus points
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