Friday, May 30, 2008
Louise Needs to Shut Up
Cross-overs generally turn out bad. Think athletes and musicians selling "fragrances", DMX starring in movies and Johnny Depp dabbling in small-business ownership (see: Viper Room). But, with all these double dips there are occasionally bright spots...such as George Foreman and his delicious grill.
That being said, there is ONE instance of cross-overs that I will never accept: the Hollywood Actor/Politician. This multitasking role is the most egotistical, ignorant and biased of all (see Charlton Heston, any Baldwin, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, Chuck Norris, Ted Nugent).
Today's outburst (I won't even discuss Sharon "Dalai Lama BFF" Stone), came from the thoughtful, tactful, politically-enlightened Susan Sarandon. Ms. Sarandon is known for her artistic prowess in roles from major motion pictures such as Stepmom and Mr. Woodcock and also her "Best Actress" nominated role in The Witches of Eastwick by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films. To be fair, she actually won an Oscar for Dead Man Walking, but in '96 Elisabeth Shue should have received that little statue.
How did this aging actress come to be so politically aware? Ms. Sarandon attended school at The Catholic University of America, earning a BA in drama. Drama? But don't worry, I am sure she took a class freshman year in Politics and Public Policy.
Anyway, Ms. Sarandon decided to broadcast her opposition to the Republican nominee Senator McCain by threatening a move to either Canada or Italy. What? She would really deprive the American people of her presence if Senator McCain claims the victory?!? Nooooo! I don't think I could handle an America without her!
Sarandon has come out in staunch support of Barack Obama (on a side note, I like/may vote for Barack). Susan dropped this tiny knowledge bomb in the NY Post, "I thought the whole point of feminism is that you're not supposed to be defined by gender. I don't understand the reasoning behind that, because I wouldn't vote for Condoleezza Rice, and I hated Margaret Thatcher."
Why is America entitled to her opinion? Who really cares? I can understand that one die-hard Bull Durham fan registering to vote for Obama, but who else?
Not only should she keep her downplay her political fervor, but she needs to recognize how out of touch the complaint is. What average liberal could possibly pick up and move countries in opposition?
Along with the airlines and baby geniuses, celebrity Op-Eds are one of my biggest pet peeves. I believe everyone should take a stand on politics, but to make outrageous claims in the media just publicizes how ignorant some people can be.
I would like to see McCain win, if only to watch Susie-Q eat her words and continue living in America, making light-hearted family movies with Ellen Page and the girl from Little Miss Sunshine, as opposed to mining sand and gravel in the Yukon Territory.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Pick Dave's Place Vol. 2 - I NEED to live here
Check this place OUT!
Now, if we step it up to a four person rent, this place is amazing. It is not exactly on the Metro, but I have used my car/taken cabs so many times this year, I do not see the Metro as a giant benefit.
Location: Just west of the Ballston Neighborhood - Arlington
Pros: LARGE, screen patio, yard, garage, home theater system in basement, 4 bedrooms
Cons: Not close to Metro, older home, maybe haunted? wet bar!?!
Interesting Selling "Feature": 2 wood burning fireplaces!
Rent: $3550/mo.
(I am praying to God that the hamster cage upon the desk will be included in the rent!)
FINAL THOUGHT - The more the merrier! I have found some big ol' "single family homes" when I up the bedroom count. One of the most important features to me is SPACE...and this place has it.
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Have I mentioned my hostile feelings towards the airline industry? Well, my flight to Kansas City today, along with this little news nugget spurred me to write something. Today I flew out of National (Ron Reagan Airport - DCA), which I prefer to Dulles (IAD) for a number of reasons. DCA is much more convenient, smaller, located on public transportaiton and also closer to my home. Either way, I flew Midwest today at 7 am to Kansas City. The flight was average, and by average I mean that it created a one hour delay. Fortunately, the delay was due to weather and did not piss me off as much as the 2 times I was delayed to fix the toilet. Midwest offers nice leather chairs, smaller planes and pleasant attendants from the "Bread Basket" of America. Midwest is one of the few airlines that has stayed away from my black list.
Anyway, back to the story above. American just merged to the biggest airline in America, they now cite "rising fuel costs" for charging $15 dollars for the first checked bag. I prefer to travel and this cost does not concern me that much, but the fact that it is another issue added to the heap of problems this industry has prompted me to complain.
And now as I work from K.C. and watch CNN another fantastic story informed America that the Airline industry cost the American economy $41 BILLION, in 2007 alone. Here is the breakdown:
19 billion op. costs (maint. jet fuel, overtime)
- $1.5 billion went into wasted jet fuel due to delays...notice that America cited "increasing fuel costs as a reason to charge for luggage...give me a break...create a more efficient model
12 billion lost time by passenger
10 billion indirect (retail, hotels, etc)
20% of all travel time delayed
That final statistic made me reflect on all the delays I had in the past year, I think 20% may be alittle too conservative. What I can't stand is that the airlines have a captive market, people HAVE to fly. If I went to McDonald's and found glass in my $1 Double Cheesburger...I would start going to Wendy's (which I prefer anyway)...unfortunately they don't make trains that can cross the Atlantic, or commute coasts in 4 hours. The Airline Industry is taking advantage of the fact that people HAVE to fly in certain situations. There needs to be a change.
Black list:
United (esp. that "Ted" airline)
I assume all other airlines I have yet to fly
GOOD Airlines:
Virgin America - FANTASTIC - HIGHLY RECOMMEND on DC to LA flights
I have done my best to reduce the amount of flights I take and the amount of luggage I bring. I think I have done a good job, but like I said sometimes I HAVE to fly...and it sucks.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Pick Dave's Place Vol. 1 - Home Sweet Home?
So, it is that time of year, when I turn to craigslist and other website to begin the ol' apartment/house hunt. This year I am movin' on up, but prefer to remain in Arlington, VA. I am going to begin listing my "great finds" on this blog and allowing you all, when I say you all I mean Dan, to pick my residence. Starting with the place I found last week. Whoops! Already gone! Well, this will serve as an example of how I will display places:
Location: Ballston Neighborhood - Arlington
Pros: Close to metro, right next to Gold's Gym, new condo smell, etc.
Cons: Tinyish
Interesting Selling "Feature": Elegant Wooden Blinds...nice
Rent: $2295/mo
FINAL THOUGHT - This place would be perfect If I was closer to 4 feet tall. Then it would seem like a warehouse. Plus, it has been rented. Yeah.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

I'm going to have to go with 6 Goobers on this one. Only because this was the first movie I have seen in the theater in over 10 weeks, which means this snapped the dry spell.
Jason Segel wrote/starred in this movie that continues Judd Apatow's streak of 1000 movies in the past two years. I will comment further...
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