I have yet to really miss Ithaca. Moving down to VA, doing the job hunt, and now working has kept me pretty busy. But, now as I have to boycott about 10 gigs on my iPod, I realize that Georgetown will never be Collegetown and Dupont Circle will never be the Commons, and everyone I meet will be wonderful, but we will not share that common bond of college for those four incredible years.
Friday, November 16, 2007
The reason I have been listening to so much rap.
I have yet to really miss Ithaca. Moving down to VA, doing the job hunt, and now working has kept me pretty busy. But, now as I have to boycott about 10 gigs on my iPod, I realize that Georgetown will never be Collegetown and Dupont Circle will never be the Commons, and everyone I meet will be wonderful, but we will not share that common bond of college for those four incredible years.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Almost a Victim of GANG VIOLENCE

Thursday, November 8, 2007
American Gangster

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Delicious Late Night Food

I recently spent a weekend back in Western NY for a number of reasons including a bachelor party and a Bills football game. It was good to be back in WNY and I definately could sense a difference from my new residence in Virginia. I always consider the Buffalo/Niagara region as pergatory, the bland world stuck between Heaven(Toronto) and Guaranteed Hell(Rochester). There is just something about the people, the weather, the city and even the culture that is unqiue to the region. It could have been the blue-collar atmosphere, the powerlines...everywhere,maybe the Zubaz "zebra-striped" pants from 1990 that you can still spot today in the parking lot of Rich Stadium, or the delicious food like Jim's Steakout. I am not sure what it was but something about WNY will always feel like home.
The weekend included great hospitality from Hose-man and Billy Pops, an ill-fated choice in movies with a day-time trip to Dan in Real Life (review pending), and a nice little trip up to the 2nd best strip club in the Northeast, The Sundowner (1st place obviously being awarded to Kuma's of Ithaca).
*Interesting thought of the trip: As I sat in the first row of the airplane between Philadelphia and D.C. I got a sneak peek of the actual cabin of an airliner. While most of it looked like a series of complex knobs, levers and gauges, one piece of the cabin left me unsettled. Towards the base of the cockpit was a giant red binder marked, "Quick Reference Guide". This upset me for two reasons:
- Quick Reference Guides should be used for all those kids from Schroeder who dropped out and needed "quick tips" on building that perfect Double Whopper.
- The guide itself looked old. I mean it looked like it was written and published right between the 1st flight at Kittyhawk and 1895. If you MUST have a "Idiot's Guide to Flying a Commercial Airline" you would hope they would update it annually.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hi Everybody!